Sunday, October 29, 2006


By Jessica C.

Recent research has shown that Pycnogenol, a natural powerful antioxidant, is many times more effective than Vitamin E or Vitamin C in reducing tissue damage caused by free-radicals.

Pycnogenol can be used to treat many inflammatory and degenerative conditions. It can remain in the blood stream for approximately 72 hours, giving the body extended protection against free radicals, compared to vitamins C and E which can remain in the system for only three to four hours.

Free radicals are damaging by products caused by the activities of our healthy cells. Mental and physical stress, environmental pollution, chemicals and many other factors can cause the free radicals in our body to increase. It is evident that the oxidation that produces free radicals is a prime factor in the degenerative diseases of aging.

Pycnogenol is a natural plant extract from the bark of the Maritime Pine tree found along the coast of Southwest France. It contains many water-soluble antioxidant components, proanthocyanidins, procyanidins, catechins, taxifolins and a spectrum of phenolic acids. Antioxidants bind with free radicals to prevent them from causing damage and transforming the free radicals into non-damaging compounds.

Pycnogenol contains phytochemicals known as Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins or OPC. OPC can cross the blood-brain barrier and hence help to protect the brain and spinal nerves from free radical damage. They can also protect the liver from damage caused by toxins. OPC strengthens and repair connective tissue which includes the cardiovascular system. It also strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process. Being water soluble, our body is able to absorb the OPC more rapidly.

Pycnogenol has numerous benefits for the body. It helps to stimulate the production of immune cells and thus protect against the aging process. Pycnogenol helps to protect the skin from photoaging and improve the skin’s resistance to sunburn, sustain fine capillary function, acting against varicose vein development and the occurrence of spider veins within the skin. It also help to improve circulation of tiny skin capillaries, supporting better oxygen and nutrient supply and better hydration to give the skin a healthier look and a more vibrant glow.

Taking Pycnogenol supplements can have an anti-aging effect and to quote Dr Richard Passwater, it can help you to live better longer, stay healthier and appear more youthful.

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