Sunday, October 29, 2006


By Bill Urell

What might prompt a person to decide that they want to try laser hair removal? Usually people who make this choice have more hair than they want especially if the hair is dark which makes it is easy to see. They become tired of having to shave so often, use hair removal creams or use tweezers to pluck the hairs. They want to try something more permanent and hopefully less painful. One of the most popular alternatives, laser hair removal, has only been available for the last twenty years. It has only been available to the public since the middle 1990s.

This type of hair removal is done with a very powerful throbbing beam of light. There are several different methods that are either lasers or other systems that use light. For example a xenon flash lamp sends out a very strong, pulsed light, which is used to remove unwanted hair. So some methods referred to as laser hair removal, might be sister systems instead that do the same thing with a slightly different energy or light source.

Hair removal is not necessarily a permanent solution to hair growth. It may last only a few months or as long as a few years. How long it lasts is not dependent on the place the hair is removed. The common places for hair reduction are underarms, legs, bikini line, or face.

How do you know if you are a good prospect? It seems to have its best success with people who have black or brown hair along with lighter skin. That does not mean its not done on people with darker skin, it can be. If your health care provider has decided that you are a good candidate for treatment, which will have been decided after a complete medical history is done and treatment options discussed, there are a few things that need to be done before the surgery. If you have used a synthetic means to tan you will have to wait until it wears off. This is to prevent your skin being damaged by the laser reacting with the tan creams or lotions. You also need to stay out of the sun as much as possible for up to six weeks before your treatment. A couple of days before treatment your health care provider will want you to shave the area you want done.

The laser hair removal system damages the hair follicle under the skin, which is why there is no new hair growth. Depending on the size of the area you want done if may require a couple of hours of laser hair removal treatment and it also may need repeated treatments to reach the results you desire.

Now there is a gallery of powerful information yours for the taking. Decide now to reduce stress and improve the quality of your life. Click here: Cost of Laser Hair Removal
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